Saturday 21 June 2014

132 Days to Monster ULTRA!!


~27km run (easy-moderate)

The first long run to prepare for the Monster Ultra. It was a really really hot day. Damn bloody hot. I think it is around 35 to 37 degree Celsius.

I started out from my house to Marina Barrage at 0945 and reached an hour later, totally destroyed by the scorching heat. I drank from the water cooler but it was not able to satisfy my thirst.

I decided to make my way to Esplanade to meet my friend to continue the next half of my run. I was suppose to meet him at 10. I reached on time but he arrived 20 minutes later. It was a good thing I guess, at least i get to recover a little from the heat by seeking shelter.

After linking up with my friend we stopped by a Cheers where I bought a 1L Nutritea and gulped it all down. Terrible weather. I was rather dehydrated considering that I only drank a cup of water before heading out to run.

We ran all the way to NUS, stopping by ARC at Labrador to get yet another drink, where I gulped down yet another 1L Nutritea.

By the time we reach NUS, we covered 15km tgt and 27km for me. The run was not too bad overall. I could use more of such runs for conditioning myself to the heat. Havent run in this heat for a looong time and it wasnt help that I just returned for a week from a 2.5 weeks vacation in Europe.

THE BAD THING IS MY ITB IS BACK WTF. Stupid bow legs. Did some research and found out that I could mitigate this by improving balance on one leg and leg strength. I think I have leg strength, considering that I had been doing alot of pistol squats and KB swings.I think I need to do abit of balancing training. This will improve my control of my legs and thus remove any unnecessary movement in the running gait that will cause ITB, cos it turns out that ITB can be caused by excessive inward rotation of the knees which, I do have at times. Hopefully by incorporating it into my training it will reduce this irritating injury that had been affecting me for MONTHS NOW!! GRRRRRRR!!

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